
Fundraiser Update and Family Life

Wow how times flies.  We had our fundraiser a week ago and it would say it was quite the success.  We were blessed to be surrounded by friends and family as we thought about and prayed for Li Rose.  We were able to raise quite a bit of money, but still have items available for sale on our blog.  I will have a new post in the next few days listing the items that are still available.  We feel very blessed to so have so many people contributing to help us bring Li Rose home.  You are all amazing!

So there are a few things that I have been wanting to share with you guys for the last few weeks, but just haven't been able to find time to blog.  So here we go...

Li Rose's News:

We were able to send a care package to Li Rose last week.  We kept it simple, sending a picture album, a letter for her and the nannies who care for her and some goodies for the nannies as well.  We had hoped to send her a birthday cake (months ago as her birthday was in May), but our orphanage doesn't do cakes.  In fact, from what we have been able to find out, our orphanage doesn't usually give a child their care package until a week or less before you got to China to meet them.  Knowing that, we still felt it would be a blessing to Li Rose that she see our faces before she meets us for the first time.  Our prayer right now is that she would be given the photo album now and that someone would take the time daily to show her our faces.  You are welcome to join us in praying for her in that way.

We received our Log In Date (LID) for China.  It was August 1st, which is just 3 days after our paperwork was sent to China.  That is the fastest we have heard of someone getting a LID.  Our dear friends Scott and Haley are also adopting from China and are on the same time line as us.  We are praying that we get our Letter of Seeking Confirmation for Adoption (LOA) at the same time and are able to travel together.  It would be huge blessing to spend time together in China.  (After all, it was Haley who introduced us to Erin, who runs a blog for waiting children in China.  Erin sent us Li Rose's picture and encouraged us to view her file.)  We would love to be able to bring Li Rose home before the end of the year, so please join us in praying that our LOA would come quickly.  I am trying really hard to not count the days since our dossier went to China...

Josh's News:

So I just have to brag on my little son for a minute.  I have been looking for ways to streamline some of the things I am doing around the house and include Josh in some of the chores.  Well, he has taken quite the intersted in laundry.  My 20 month old son loves to do laundry with Mommy!!  Now I know what you might be thinking, can he really help?  Yes, yes he can!  He pushes the laundry hamper or diaper basket out to the laundry room (needing just a little help for our step).  He then helps me unload the laundry into the washer (Mommy does the diapers).  He then helps me run the controls.  When it dings to say it is done, he lets me know and goes to the baby gate to wait for me to come open it.  He helps me load clothes from the dryer to the basket and pushes the basket to the couch for folding.  Once everything is folded he takes the basket back to his room or our room and helps me put away the clothes.  Maybe other people do this with their children, but I am quite impressed.  Since he has done so well with laundry, we are now working on having him help me with sweeping.  This isn't going quite as well since he likes to walk through by dirt piles, but we are getting there.

Josh's vocabulary is also increasing rapidly.  He has been watching a baby signing video, so he is learning new signs too.  Both of these developments have helped to decrease his frustration in communicating with us.  We are building up to his transition to a big boy bed (toddler bed) too.  We got him new bed linen that he loves, so now we are just waiting for Mommy and Daddy to be ready for the transition.  Hopefully within the next few weeks we will be able to say he is in his big boy bed.

Other News:

I [Chrissy] continue to go and see my Dad frequently at his nursing home.  Dad is doing quite well and we are hoping to have him moved to a community nursing home soon.  I have also started working on a packing list and have started a collection of things to go with us to China.  I want to be sure to be super ready to go when the time comes.   I am also learning and growing in my role as a stay at home mom, working on setting up routines and finding ways to streamline cooking and such to make things easier when I have both my children home with me.

Flip is doing well at work, traveling some and working on business development.  He has been super busy finishing up our project list before Li Rose comes home.  With the help of Uncle Rick, they were able to do a small bathroom remodel so that the bathroom that Li Rose will be sharing with Josh will be completely finished for them to use (we will post before and after pictures here in the next few days). It was a blessing to finally have this done as we have been slowly saving up for it for the last two years.  He has also been working hard to get the remaining baseboards installed throughout the house (the baseboards have been sitting in our shed for the last two years).  It is exciting ot get these projects out of the way so we can focus on Li Rose when she comes home.  His next big project is to build a step stool for Josh and Li Rose to help us in the kitchen.  I am looking forward to having our kids helping in the kitchen.

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