
Sweet "Asa"

So I have to admit the I (Chrissy) am addicted to adoption blogs.  There, I said it.  I enjoy finding new adoption blogs through websites like We Are Grafted In or through different list-serves we are a part of. (If you are looking for a website that gives some good perspective on the good and bad of adoption, I really recommend we are grafted in.)  Some of the blogs I read and move on and some of them I continue to follow. Right now I am following the stories of three "heart babies" from China, JJ, Rachel and Elisyn. It is amazing to read their stories and watch as these children are welcomed into families, loved on and have surgeries that will change the course of their lives.  I love watching God work in their lives. 

Now you are probably wondering what my blog addiction has to do with Asa or even who Asa is.  Well, during one of my forays into blog land, I came across a blog on Asa (which I can no longer find the exact blog). Anyways, the first picture I saw of this little guy was

And I thought man he is cute!  So I started praying for Asa.  Then about a week later my mother-in-law forwarded me the news letter for some friends of theirs who happen to be missionaries in China.  And whose story should I read, but Asa's!!  I was so surprised!  I thought about how I had been praying for this little guy and here his pictures pop up in my inbox and oh he is even more of a cutie!

Don't you just love the hair!! Now before anyone thinks I have lost my mind and am thinking about adopting again before we even get Li Rose home, we aren't, yet.  But I do want to advocate for Asa, who is only 4 weeks old in these pictures.  Perhaps you or someone you know will fall in love with Asa.

Here is some basic info on him and his special need:

"Last month, we received a call on a Friday morning asking if we could help a newborn baby in need of emergency medical care.   Within a few hours, the baby and caregivers were on a bus, and we were on the road to meet them at the Guangzhou bus station.  It was a bit nerve rattling queuing up among several hundreds of people waiting for taxis with a 3 day old baby, and then inching our way through the Friday afternoon rush hour, but we were finally successful in getting little “Asa” admitted to Children’s Hospital by early evening.   The surgery was successfully completed sometime well after midnight, and a week later our newest baby took up residence at the foster home.
 Asa will require another surgery in a couple of months, but at the moment he is doing great.  We rarely receive babies this young (3 days), but we are so glad that we were in a position to help this handsome little fellow.  Perhaps Asa’s first few days in this world were a bit rough, but he has enjoyed constant care and affection ever since.  Asa spends almost all of his time now sleeping, eating and being cuddled.. in other words, exactly what a 4 week old baby should be doing!"

 If you or someone you know if interested in finding out more about Asa, feel free to email me at nursechrissy at hotmail.com or check out the website for the agency who is looking for his forever family Lifeline Adoption.  If you want to follow Asa's story along with those of the other children currently in his foster home you can click here

1 comment:

  1. I've sent you an email. We are with Lifeline and I'd love more info!
